Best job in the world!! Every day I am surrounded by nurturing, creative people who are the absolute best at guiding children. I consider myself lucky to call Woodson Branch Nature School home!
Our kindergartener has loved every minute of his first year in 'big school'. Every day I ask him what he has been doing, and the first answer he gives is 'Playing'. He hasn't even noticed that this year he has learned all his letters and can piece them together into simple words, and that he can now do basic sums. Prepare yourself for the days your child comes home covered in mud, but the dirt just makes them happier.

"Mr. Marcus helped me boost my confidence and taught me the little things so that the bigger things came easier to me."
"My child seemed completely happy at public school and didn't want to change schools. After after giving WBNS a try, I don't think there's any turning back! The level of happiness, security, self sufficiency and practical skills such as the ability and interest in dressing for the weather every day, have enriched all of our lives so much. "

Our main reason for moving to North Carolina from Louisiana was to put our daughter in Woodson Branch, and it has been one of the best decisions that we have ever made. This school has changed our lives in so many ways. I could speak about the support and community for quite sometime, the way all of us have banded together in support of this budding school and in our shared belief that kids deserve to learn in an environment that sets their curiosity alight. I could also go on about the beauty of this area, the abundance of water, the biodiversity that the kids are exploring and learning from each day on the gorgeous 30+ acres that the school resides on. But what I really want to share is how my daughter has come alive with enthusiasm for all that she is learning. Her interests in nature and wildcrafting, for traditional arts, for gardening and science have been taken to a whole new level, and she has even sprouted a… friendship… with math! The dedication that the teachers display everyday to their students' growth: academically, personally, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, as well as their efforts to make each lesson engaging and fun has been truly inspiring. I cannot imagine an academic environment that will better prepare these children for LIFE, and all that it entails. I am truly grateful that my daughter is learning here and that we are a part of the Woodson Branch community.

WBNS has been a wonderful experience for our family. Our daughter is in first grade and she loves going to school every day. She comes home with wonderful accounts of everything she learned that day at farm school. From studying math and English to investigating the forest, even tending to the goats, she is receiving an education that is rewarding and engaging. To quote our daughter, “My last school was all work, work, work, and always inside. This school is amazing. It’s the best school in the world!”

My daughter comes home every day with stories of her outdoor adventures and the fun she has exploring the forest with her teachers and friends. She is more engaged and excited to learn as her teachers support her academic growth through hands-on, meaningful projects. There is no doubt that she has developed a greater sense of independence and confidence since attending Woodson Branch... we are so grateful she has this opportunity!
Our son entered WBNS after being home schooled and I worried how he would do because he is extremely introverted and shy. But with just the right balance of patience and encouragement, his teachers have really helped him to come out of his shell. He is thriving both academically and socially and absolutely loves WBNS. He literally doesn't want to miss a day. I love their daily rhythm, which includes ample time to move and being outside. The farm/wooded setting is beautiful, the teachers and support staff are amazingly dedicated and caring- I couldn't ask for more.

My son went to the Hot Springs Community Learning Center for two years before starting kindergarten. I had stayed home with him for the three years prior and was so nervous dropping him off on the first day. I need not have been. I grew to love and appreciate all of the mind blowing experiences offered to him while he was there. The staff rocked and seemed to truly care about my little whirly gig. We both made lifelong friends and were sad when it was over. I told Mrs. Deb at least a million times that she should start a school and that, when she did, we would be there…and praise be, here we are at last! Now my son jumps out of bed, excited to go to school every morning, almost pushing me out the door…which is a welcome change from public school. I feel that ALL of his strengths are being utilized and praised – not just his ability to take and/or pass an end of grade test. Once again, I feel like he is truly loved and valued for his whole amazing person. It feels like the staff and I are a team, supporting each other in building the foundation for the well rounded, confident, secure adult that my son is bound to become. During a recent after school enrichment day we made Mardi-Gras masks and went on a field trip to downtown Marshall for the fat Tuesday festivities. During the drive there, my son asked exactly what Mardi-Gras stood for. I told him it was the day before lent began and that on the next day, ash Wednesday, people traditionally gave up the things that gave them pleasure until Easter. “OH NO,” he said. “Does that mean I can’t go to Woodson Branch until Easter?!” How can a parent express thanks for their child finding so much joy and satisfaction with school? There are no words for how grateful I am to Woodson Branch and the staff there. The benefits will be lifelong for my child and for my entire family.