Education & Experience:
I graduated from East Tennessee State University (‘86) with a BFA degree in graphic arts with a concentration on illustration. I’ve worked for the East Tennesseean newspaper, the Boston Bruins, the United States Coast Guard and WNCW radio station. I’ve been a freelance illustrator and photographer for the past 40 years with several art pieces and photographs displayed in galleries and art shows. For the past 7 years I’ve taught Visual Arts (K-12) and Adult Painting. During this time, I also taught special needs children and adults.
Teaching Philosophy:
I’m not a cookie cutter paint by numbers person. There’s no place for assembly line art in a child’s world. They should be free to express themselves as individuals and let their own skills and imagination tell their story through art.
Favorite thing about kids:
They will humble you before it’s all over with.
Favorite thing about working at WBNS:
The freedom of the kids being outside doing what they enjoy with those that have the same ideas with no adults smothering them.
Quote to share:
“When I went to school they ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wrote down “happy”. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment: I told them they didn’t understand life”
- John Lennon