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Quotes from Parents:


Since becoming a WBNS student, what do you notice about your child's attitude about school?


Much improved! He is learning to work through difficult situations socially with greater ease.   We are thrilled that our son has the opportunity to attend a school like Woodson and develop a love for learning, rather than a resistance to it.

 -Sarah Yancey

She LOVES school and every single subject that is covered. She always looks forward to going. Aurora has also grown a lot in the area of personal responsibility and independence around managing her responsibilities. Her story writing skills have grown significantly over the past year and a half.


The school environment that WBNS cultivates is in strong alignment with how we have built our home environment regarding personal responsibility and collective contribution to the group. The balance of academics and social/emotional growth is foundational to raising a whole human and WBNS is continuing to build a program that gets better each year and gives attention to each area.

-Sarah Schomber


The activity that he gets at school helps at home, because he has been moving and doing a variety of things. This makes for a happier child overall.

-Mary Helen Adamson


(My daughter) seems more at ease with taking care of house work and chores. She is confident out in the community even more than before Woodson.



She still loves school so much. She brings what she learns at school home with her.  She still gets excited and comes home to tell me the things she’s learned for the day.

-Stacie Jameson


We have appreciated the guidance while practicing and or completing school work at home. Overall I think this has helped with her organizational skills at home and school.

-Marcus Meskill


They love it. They are upset when they are out for vacation.  Both of our kids are noticeably happier with school. We no longer have to take them to the park after school because they have had plenty of exercise. They both seem challenged and get a variety of learning experiences.

-Sarah Pike

She loves school, dislikes breaks and can't wait to go back. She used to not want to try difficult things (ie, reading) and would just say "I cant" now she says "I'm trying my best" and is willing to put forth more effort.  She is more inquisitive and seems more mature, likes to apply school rules to home time appropriately. 

-Erin Gardner



Advice from veteran parents of WBNS >>



1) be ready for dirty wet gear

2)have extra rain gear and boots on the ready

3)be ready for kids who love everyday of school so much that being sick and missing days really bums them out


-Emily Sontag


Always read your emails and don’t be afraid to ask to many questions! Oh and pack all your gear no matter what the weather says !!! 

-Natalie Bate


  • Shop second-hand for gear and school clothes (eBay is great). I try to shop a year ahead to get the best deals on high quality gear... since I don't need it right away I can be patient for a good deal.

  • Have two of all your gear to cover wash days and "lost" items that usually reappear later...

  • Don't rely on your child (or husband!) to keep you posted on school and class happenings and child progress... I fail miserably at this.

  • Join the facebook group for families



Buy good gear so they are comfortable outside start looking early and you might find it used. Try Second Gear in Asheville. 

Don't send them in nice clothes that you don't want to get really dirty.  :-) This was from Aurora.

Cultivate accountability and responsibility for self at home: Make a checklist at home to start helping the child remember their own stuff to self-manage (This is probably one of the big ones)

If you want to know more about your children work at school just ask. 

The bus is a life saver for me and worth every penny. 


-Sarah Schomber

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