Dear families,
It was another fun, productive week in the 3rd/4th grade classroom.
Our Humanities program has sailed across the Atlantic to Europe for the month of February, and this week our class got to show off their knowledge of European countries and history--which is already quite impressive! This month, we’ll be studying greetings in different European languages, looking at maps, and studying European cultures through music, poetry, and stories.
In Conflict Resolution, we’ve been brainstorming and preparing for national “Random Acts of Kindness” week next week. We’ve spent time thinking about what kindness means and how each person in our class could do some small, kind acts for our families, friends, and other people in our lives. Be on the lookout next week for unexpected acts of kindness at home!
In Math, we’ve continued to work on mutli-digit multiplication. Next week, we start our journey into long division! The Blue Group has been working with metric weight measurements (kilograms and grams). They’ve been adding, subtracting, and converting weights as well as balancing scales where there are unknown weights on each side. This looks strikingly similar to balancing equations with unknown variables, and when I told the group they were basically doing a kind of Algebra, they were stunned, thrilled, and very proud.
This week in ELA, we’re still working on our information books. Many of our writers are wrapping up their final chapters and moving on to focusing solely on revision. We hope to be publishing these books in the next week or two. Reader’s Workshop this week was rather relaxed, with some much-needed “free reading” time while I continued to do one-on-one leveled reading assessments with students. Look for a new list of spelling words this coming Monday!

Students who chose not go on the ski trip this week had fun in the Whale Cafe

The newest special from our Forest restaurant: the ice platter!