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For our ELA time, all week last week was spent on revising our writing in order to get published and have a celebration of our hard work. We revised according to a checklist for second grade writing standards, as a whole class and with partners. We read our works out loud, making sure the story made sense and sounded right. We checked spelling and punctuation. We focused on having a solid beginning and ending, looking over some mentor texts to get ideas. I showed the class some pages from a Dr. Suess book that showed how even he went through revisions in order to get the best book. We even had a guest speaker, the published author Cynthia Yancey. She read her book to the class and recounted her year long process of writing her story Zac and Niki- A First Look at Rising Above Racisim. The class has been working very diligently to recopy their revisions in their neatest hand writing in order to be ready to publish.

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