Happy Holidays to All!,
Wow, our final week of fall semester was exciting! This week we wrapped up and reviewed, talked about winter celebrations around the world, and did a LOT of crafting :) Students have new baggy books and completed work in their backpacks. Please remember to send baggy books back when we return to school-Thanks!
I want to give a special thanks to Miss Cass (our assistant teacher) for all of her hard work and help!!
I hope everyone has a wonder wonderful break. I will see you in January.
Ms. Stacey

This week we finished our short vowel word family study. We will begin long vowel study after break. We did not have new sight words this week. Instead, we reviewed all sight words thus far. We also reviewed sentence structure and word order.
In Math this week we continued working on recognizing numerals and number words 10-20. We practiced our plus ten facts and used that knowledge to help us solve other larger number problems by turning them into plus 10 problems. The "make ten" strategy is a very important skill.
Amanda and I decided that in honor of the season, we would spend the week crafting during ELA. The kids made salt dough ornaments, snow globes, snow scene paintings, holiday chains, and a wreath for the class. It was wild, messy, and FUN!!