Education & Experience:
Amanda has worked with a variety of age groups in a preschool/daycare setting, including afterschool care for children up to 12yrs old for five years prior to WBNS. While working in the field, she completed extensive training for the Early Childhood Education Certification, including Early Literacy and Mathematics.
When she moved to Madison County, she served as the Children's Librarian in all three branches of the public library. After her children were born, she primarily focused on raising them. She homeschooled her boys up to the fifth grade and was involved in a homeschool co-op, where she participated as a parent-teacher. The classes that she taught included Science, History, Writing Workshops, and various art and handwork.
After her children were enrolled in public school, she completed the Effective Classroom Management course through AB-Tech. She was hired as the Lead Teacher at Little Ivy, a homeschool enrichment cooperative for children ages 5-7. Since the beginning of WBNS, she has served as the second-grade teacher.
Teaching Philosophy:
Kids need to use their bodies and minds throughout the day in order to do their best.
What I love about teaching at WBNS:
My favorite thing about teaching at WBNS is the small size that allows for all of the staff to really know the students and truly support growth for everyone. I also love being outside throughout the day and our dedication to the students having unstructured time in the woods, every day.
Favorite thing about kids:
My favorite things about children are their playful imaginations and joy in small pleasures.