I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This week we were back at it. We are working hard to wrap up the Fall semester in preparation for the Spring semester. This week in......
Phonics: Our sight words were before, she, who, ran, and has
Our word families were ob, od, and og
We continue to work on using our sight word and word family knowledge when reading to increase accuracy and fluency.
In math this week we continued with subtraction strategies. We also reviewed number bonds and ten facts.
Students learned about ordinal numbers (1rst, 2nd, 3rd....) and their relevance to position, sequence and ordering criteria, as well as, the difference between a number (representing quantity) and an ordinal number (representing position or sequence).
In reading we have begun to explore the Main Idea and Key details of a story or text. As a group we read several stories and then worked together to determine what the author wants us to know /what the story is mostly about and what details support this knowledge. We compared it to making a sandwich... if we make a sandwich (main idea) it is what is on the sandwich that tells us what kind of sandwich it is and how it will taste. Thus we created Main Idea Burgers :)

We did it! In Writer's Workshop we write lots of stories. The students have chosen their favorite story and added full sentence text, illustrations, and a cover. I am proud of them! We will be having a publishing party Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 in the Main House. We will have some snacks and students will read their book aloud to the class. Please feel free to join us!
****I apologize for not switching baggie books this week...we were so busy finishing our writing that I did not get a chance to individually read with them. Keep practicing with the books you have and we will resume regular reading pull outs next week. Thanks.