Spring 2024 Adult
Kids aren't the only ones who get to experience this otimal learning environment > that's right! Adults need WBNS too and we got you covered! As a school that teaches through the lens of our Specials Programs, you will find workshops in Eco-Arts, Outdoor Educaiton, Regenerative Agriculture, and STEAM (ScienceTechnologyEngineeringArtMath).
Parenting Workshop Series (dates TBA)
The Upside of Anger
Parenting Styles and Learning about our Values and Boundaries
The Neurology of Big Feelings and Navigating Tantrums and Conflict
Medicine Making (March 2024)
This workshop will focus on the most common ailments that befall every member of the family: (stings, common cold & flu, cuts & abrasions, minor anxiety & stress releif). Using wild and easy to grow herbs participants will learn how to harvest and extract the medicine from the plants, and transform them into usable form for application. You will leave with 4 diffent medicines that you can use and the knowledge from the experience to recreate them again at home when you run out!
Garden & Wild Harvesting (April 2024)
Do you have a bunch of things growing in your yard and on your property, and just never knew what they were or how to harvest and use them? Well then, this workshop is for you! Participants will grow their base knowledge of the locally wild growing plants in this area and leave with ideas on how and when to harvest and use them for a variety of uses.
Cob Oven Building May 4th & 5th
In this two-day workshop, participants will learn thorugh hands-ON the fine art of cob oven building from an expert in the field! Together they will go through the process of how it is designed and they will work together to build one right before their eyes!

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